Quick Craft! Star-Spangled Painting!

Are you looking for a fun, quick, and patriotic craft for your kids to create?

Try the Star-Spangled Painting with your kids!

Grab the following supplies, a few excited kids, and you’ll have beautiful patriotic artwork just in time to celebrate America’s birthday!


Red and Light Blue Paper

Star Shaped Cookie Cutters

Red, White, and Dark Blue Paint

*The cookie cutters I purchased from Wal-Mart.

My boys chose a medium size star for the red, a small star for the white, and a large star for the dark blue.  Overlapping stars as they went turned out to be an even more beautiful effect!

When the stars were dry, we added a red background paper to finish their masterpieces!  The artwork turned out absolutely beautiful and is proudly displayed on our fridge during the month of July to celebrate the 4th of July!

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