15 Back to School Family Traditions

Ease the transition into the new school year and help your kids feel special with fun and memorable family traditions!

As we wrap up the summer, I truly feel as though I have never seen a summer go by so fast in my life!  If only January, February, and March would go by as quickly!

Although I cherish all of the fun memories my family has made this past summer, the thought of a “normal” routine, schedule, and healthier eating is starting to sound good right about now!

The crisp change in weather, leaves starting to fall from the trees , my pants getting tighter from all of the cook outs and ice cream we’ve been enjoying, and the inevitable seasonal store switch from summer items to back to school items is the final sign that fall is officially here.

Back to school time can be a fun and exciting time for adults.  It can also be a time of nervousness for the kids. They wonder…who will their teacher be?  Will they make new friends?  What will be expected of them in their new grade? 

As parents, we are typically a ball of nerves as well.  We wonder…will the teacher work well with my child?  Will kids be kind?  Will my child be kind and help others?  Will they understand the material?  The list goes on. 

To ease the ball of nerves we all may become, starting “Back to School Traditions”  has become an important aspect in our family this time of year.  The special traditions we have created together have  helped my children feel special and have eased the transition for all. 

The following is a list of 15 Back to School Traditions my family does together to start the school year off right!  I encourage your family to try a few ideas and start the new school year off in a positive direction!

1.School Supply Scavenger Hunt!  Don’t wait until the night before open house to shop for the school supplies (I’m totally guilty of this in the past by the way!).  Shop mid August while there are still supplies on the store shelves and make a fun game out of school  supply shopping with your kids!   

2. Back to School Countdown Calendar or Chain

3. Make a special morning breakfast for your kids

4. Pray for and with your child… pray that they have a good day, be a good friend, etc.  Don’t forget to say a prayer for the teacher too!

5. First Day of School Picture with Special Sign

6. Walk them to their first class

7. Create a special gift for the teacher from your family 

8. Go out for a BooHoo/ YaHOO Breakfast or Coffee for the grownups!

9.  Make a special lunch for your child 

10. Write out a special handwritten note for their lunchbox

11. Have a fun/ special after school snack waiting for your kids when they get home 

12. Let your kids choose their favorite dinner

13. Create a first day of school interview with your child (video and picture interview!)

14. Take a picture of your child wearing their future high school graduation shirt

15. Read a special goodnight story...Oh! The Places You’ll Go!  By Dr. Seuss is a personal favorite of ours!

Wishing you and your family many blessings on a successful school year!

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